Obesity Surgery

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass surgery reduces the size of your stomach, limiting how much you can consume. In addition, the surgeon will reroute, or bypass, a part of your digestive system so that you absorb less food.

Gastric Botox

Gastric Botox is a non-surgical procedure that is very beneficial for persons who have a small amount of extra weight. Botox paralyzes stomach nerves and muscles for 4 to 6
months, lowering appetite and allowing nutrients to stay in the stomach longer.

Gastric Sleeve

Sleeve gastrectomy, commonly known as vertical sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight-loss surgical treatment. This treatment is usually done laparoscopically, which includes putting small instruments into the upper belly through many small incisions. About 80% of the stomach is removed during a sleeve gastrectomy, leaving a tube-shaped stomach about the size and shape of a banana.

The amount of food you can consume is limited by the size of your stomach. Furthermore, the process causes hormonal changes that aid weight loss. The same hormonal changes that help people lose weight also help with illnesses like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Gastric Balloon

A gastric balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon (IGB) or a stomach balloon, is an inflatable medical device that is put temporarily inside the stomach to aid weight loss. It’s intended to assist people lose weight when diet and exercise haven’t worked and surgery isn’t desired or suggested.

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